
Returning Student Housing Information

住房政策: Campus Housing Requirement

North Park University requires most undergraduate students to live on campus, with some exceptions for local/commuter, 兼职, 和 students over the age of 24. 熟悉此政策和不遵守此政策的经济处罚.

2023 - 24住房

If you are currently a commuter, submit a housing application. You’ll need to sign in using your North Park username 和 password.

If you are currently a resident, 请查看您的NPU电子邮件,查看来自居住生活和住房办公室的住房申请链接的电子邮件.


当你第一次在北园注册住宿时(通常在你作为学生的第一学期之前), you paid a $250 housing deposit. 这笔住房押金在你在北园大学的整个学习期间都有,并在你毕业或离开大学时退还给你. 如果有任何损坏费,你在毕业/离开时收到的押金金额可能少于250美元, 停摆的指控, 学生行为罚款, or other housing-related fees were assessed to your account.

Returning Student Housing Sign-Up

返校学生在申请校内住宿时,首先要选择他们想要一起生活的其他人或一群人, 然后申请一个能容纳这么多人的房间或公寓.

Following spring break each year, 住宿生活举办信息会议,解释有关室友选择和住房申请过程的具体细节,为归国学生.

What must I do to apply for housing?

In order to be placed in 2023-2024 housing, please make sure you complete this checklist prior to applying:

  • 您必须注册全日制2023年秋季课程(至少12学分). 
  • Your $250 housing deposit must be up to date. You will/would have received an email if you needed to address this.
  • You have updated the Emergency Contact Information in 自助服务.
    • Log into your 自助服务 account.
    • Once logged in, click on the “User Options” icon on the left navigation menu.
    • Then, click on “Emergency Information.”
    • 点击“添加联系人”.”
  • (申请公寓/房子)到2023年春季学期结束时,你必须至少修满60个学分.




Below are the deadlines for the applications:

  • Apartment/house reclaim application: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 
  • Apartment/house new application: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 
  • Residence Hall reclaim application: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 
  • Residence Hall new application: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 

今年, 学生可以在星期一的房间更换请求周期间要求更换他们的室友或来年的住房分配, 可能1-Friday, 5月5日, 2023.

Housing Assignment Timeline


  • Apartment/house reclaim application: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 
  • Apartment/house new application: Thursday, April 20, 2023 
  • Residence Hall reclaim application: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 
  • Residence Hall new application: Thursday, April 27, 2023 
  • Late applications: Friday, April 28, 2023; then every Wednesday in May 
  • Room Change Request form: Monday, 可能1-Friday, 5月5日, 2023 

When 和 how will I find out about my room assignment?

返回住宿的学生将能够查看他们的住房分配和室友信息 自助服务 as soon as they are assigned to campus housing. 目前的通勤学生将在返回的住宿学生收到住房分配后分配到校园住房,并将在3-5个工作日内通知.


  • Different applications for returning residential students: There are different applications for different deadlines. 请提交正确的申请,以免未能获配屋.
  • 每组一份申请: You will apply for housing as a group rather than as individuals. Submit one application for one group. 
    • 例如, if you 和 two friends want to live together, you would submit one application for the three of you.
    • 申请要求每个小组成员签署并附上大学住房协议条款和条件. 一定要拿到 每个人的 签名. Any applications with missing 签名s will not be processed.
  • Occupancy number must be met:  例如, to reclaim a double-occupancy room in Burgh Hall, you must have a roommate or reclaim it as a double-as-single room. 申请学院 5031 N. Spaulding, you must be applying as a group of five.
    • 任何不符合入住要求的团体或个人将比符合入住要求的团体或个人更晚被分配,并将被分配额外的室友以满足入住要求.
    • 任何个人申请一人以上住房的,将被分配到另一个团体或个人的校园住房,以满足入住要求.
  • 换房请求周: 在5月1-5日这一周,你可能会要求改变你2023-2024年的住房分配或室友 by submitting the Room Change Request form (link is sent to your NPU email).
    • 一份提交给新小组的申请,要求改变室友/住房分配. 
    • 你必须得到所有必需的签名才能处理请求. 
    • This request will be processed on a “first-come, “先到先得”的原则,只有当所要求的房屋分配在当时可用时.


A:是也不是. 如果申请在截止日期前提交,房屋分配将根据 已修总学分 at the end of the spring semester 对于你的整个团队. Any late applications will be considered based on completed credits 申请处理当天所需住房的可用性.  

Q: What if someone in my group isn’t registered for the fall semester?
答:在小组中的每个人都注册了秋季学期的全日制课程之后,住房申请才会被处理. 请参阅上面的清单,以避免您的团队没有获得首选的住房分配. 

Q: What if I want to move off-campus?
A: Check whether you qualify to become a commuter student 和 then submit a 通勤的应用程序. If you do not qualify to be a commuter 和 still move off-campus, you will be assigned a non-compliance fee. 

Q: How much does housing cost? 
A:你可以看 网上房价. 

Q: Do I need to have a meal plan? 

Q: Can a sophomore live in an apartment? 
A: Students living in an apartment or a house must be in junior status, 也就是说,到2023年春季学期结束时,他们至少要修满60个学分. Exceptions to this are students who are above 21 years of age.

Q: I have or need housing accommodations, what should I do? 
A: Please contact the Disability Access Specialist at ada@siam-online.net. 


如果您对房间分配过程或您的生活区域的位置有任何疑问, please contact the 居住生活和住房 Office 通过电子邮件 or by phone at (773) 244-5555.